What Coffee with Cats is NOT. . .

Coffee with Cats is not a tribute to the coffee bean specially processed by the civet's digestive track.

Coffee with Cats is not a fetish page devoted to the cat cafes of Japan.

What is Coffee with Cats? Keep reading to find out.

The Valentine's Day Card that Started it All

The Valentine's Day Card that Started it All

The Valentine's Day Card that Started it All

The first of the Photoshopped spectaculars, created for my husband in homage of a poster he found in Cairo with a similar disregard for proportion or scale. That's us on the roof. But that's not our real house.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

April Fools - Almost!

This is my creative rendering of April Fool's Day events. Note that this is not Art's body!

Art starts yelling from the shower about how there's a big bug he needs me to take care of. Bring something to kill it! he says. So I bring Louie. It turns out Louie is not at all excited about the water spewing from the shower nozzle or a big, wet Arthur cowering by the sink. While I'm trying to spot this humongous bug, Louie escapes from my arms and runs down the hall.

Then Arthur points out that camouflaged into the grout is this shield-shaped bug that he's convinced must be some variety of cockroach. I put the bug in a tupperware container and set it free out back. 

Then do I research to find out it's a stink bug and that I probably should have killed it--only not in the house or it would have emitted its famous stench. Apparently they taste as bad to most animals as they smell, so Louie would have been in for an unpleasant surprise if he had gone after it--an April Fool's Day type of surprise. Instead, now it's free to go suck the juices from a neighbor's fruit tree. 

Maybe I'm the April fool for not knowing what it was. :(

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