What Coffee with Cats is NOT. . .

Coffee with Cats is not a tribute to the coffee bean specially processed by the civet's digestive track.

Coffee with Cats is not a fetish page devoted to the cat cafes of Japan.

What is Coffee with Cats? Keep reading to find out.

The Valentine's Day Card that Started it All

The Valentine's Day Card that Started it All

The Valentine's Day Card that Started it All

The first of the Photoshopped spectaculars, created for my husband in homage of a poster he found in Cairo with a similar disregard for proportion or scale. That's us on the roof. But that's not our real house.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

The Secret to a Happy Cat

Louie's Feliway diffuser (pictured plugged into the wall) keeps him as sane as he can be.

The Phenobarbital he takes for his seizures makes him paranoid around guests and care personnel, but Feliway takes the edge off. I started Louie on it after we returned from a trip to find he had a bladder infection. Only it wasn't a bladder infection--it was some issue with his bladder lining. The vet suggested Feline Cosequin to help bolster the bladder lining and a pheromone diffuser to help with stress. I began to use both of these things, and the issue was soon resolved.

I had fantasies the Feliway would restore him to the social kitten he'd been in the days before the yahoo vets out here started shaving his neck to take blood form his jugular (or whatever equivalent artery cats have in their necks). When this didn't happen after almost a year, I stopped buying the Feliway, and we ran out just before we left for a long weekend. When we returned, we discovered the bladder issue had as well. I upped his does of Cosequin with little effect. But within days of plugging in a new diffuser he was back to normal!

In this picture, Strombeek and Louie spy peacably on the squirrels in the backyard from the cover of their grandpa's jacket--one of the perks of visitors! Perhaps the Feliway aids them in such amiable relations--once they've finished using the jacket as a fort to ambush each other, of course.


Anonymous said...

I don't know if I want him to be skittish around people, though. He is such a socialble and fun guy. He's handsome and he knows it. I don't want him to suffer self esteem problems, although, his pissing all over everything seems indicitave of some low self worth, or he just hates us because we won't let him go outside to harass the neighbor cats.

arowser said...

The Feliway helps him be less skittish--it's just hard to tell because the epilepsy meds (and/or his fear of being stuck with needles) make him SOOOOO skittish.