What Coffee with Cats is NOT. . .

Coffee with Cats is not a tribute to the coffee bean specially processed by the civet's digestive track.

Coffee with Cats is not a fetish page devoted to the cat cafes of Japan.

What is Coffee with Cats? Keep reading to find out.

The Valentine's Day Card that Started it All

The Valentine's Day Card that Started it All

The Valentine's Day Card that Started it All

The first of the Photoshopped spectaculars, created for my husband in homage of a poster he found in Cairo with a similar disregard for proportion or scale. That's us on the roof. But that's not our real house.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Too Much of a Good Thing

So much cat grass for two little cats!

It all started because the Japanese maple out front was snapped almost in half by the weight of the snow and ice. We went to a local garden store to see about fixing it. I also wanted to find a fern to replace the Peace Lily in the living room. Arthur kept pointing out other lillies that we could get, and I kept pointing out that they were lillies and therefore poisonous to cats. But he said, well, what about all the cats running around in here? And I was, like, what cats? 

It probably helped that there was cat grass in planters all over the place, which I didn't notice until the lady in front of me was buying some and the cashier announced there was a two for one deal. So even though it was pretty overgrown and looked like it was on its way out, and I wouldn't have bought one on its own, it's difficult to pass up a two for one deal. The lady in front of me said she hoped it would stop her cats from eating her other plants. I hoped so too since she was buying a Peace lily. 

The cats are excited about all the grass!
But Strombeek isn't sure it's as much fun with a planter of grass for each of them. 
There's no reason to fight!
So, Strombeek waits for a reason.

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