What Coffee with Cats is NOT. . .

Coffee with Cats is not a tribute to the coffee bean specially processed by the civet's digestive track.

Coffee with Cats is not a fetish page devoted to the cat cafes of Japan.

What is Coffee with Cats? Keep reading to find out.

The Valentine's Day Card that Started it All

The Valentine's Day Card that Started it All

The Valentine's Day Card that Started it All

The first of the Photoshopped spectaculars, created for my husband in homage of a poster he found in Cairo with a similar disregard for proportion or scale. That's us on the roof. But that's not our real house.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Cat Calendar - August 2010

The original photo shoot (shown below) involved a set consisting of lots of crepe paper around a white box and all these ribbons.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Cat Calendar Update

It was brought to my attention that some of the cat calendar pages for this year were a little unclear. For instance, the month of July, shown below was supposed to be in honor of Bastille day, while some people interpreted it as being an homage to the role the French played in our independence.

Perhaps if I had portrayed Strombeek as a wee bit more Marie Antoinette-ish it would have been clear. Like so. . .

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Packing Paper Canoes

If the Photoshopped extravaganza in the last entry didn't make total sense, the packing paper is like a canoe on the hardwood floor. Usually the cats each hang out on their own raft, but Louie has hitched a ride on the back of Strombeek's.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Cat Castle Adventures

It seems The Cat Castle also has transportative properties...

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Cat Tent Adventures

So not only does the cat tent function as a great toy repository, but its light weight makes it great to push around in cat games.

Oh, and it matches Strombeek's headdress.

It may have some mystical or magical qualities as well. . .

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The Cat Tent

Before the cat castle, there was the cat tent. There still is the cat tent, we just forgot about it for a while.

The cat tent cost just over $5 at Ikea, but now you can only find it on ebay or Amazon for an inflated price. Does that make it a collector's item?

So, we pulled out the tent because it matched the pharaonic headdress I planned to photograph Strombeek wearing.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Louie is a Friskies Cat

Louie is pretty excited to finally be initiated into the Friskies club. No more stealth missions to Strombeek's dish. No more lying in wait to see if she'll leave anything.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Calendar Preview

Month of frogs? Any suggestions about which month this might be?

Sunday, August 1, 2010


"Five years, Strombeek. That's longer than we've been alive!"

It's difficult for the cats to imagine, but that doesn't stop them from trying. . .